Friday, June 19, 2009


This is one of my favorite photos of Jose Rizal,
my good friend Karola Klier took this shot
when together with a Filipino and a German student,
we visited Heidelberg with the purpose of
seeing the place where Rizal stayed and to pick some
of those wild flowers immortalized in Rizal's elegiac poetry.

Maligayang kaarawan, Rizal.

Sinong May Picture kasama sina Pacquaio at Lito Atienza?

Kuha ito sa TABOAN: The Philippine International Writers Festival. Eh, madaling kaladkarin si Sir Jimmy magphoto-ops.

Gemino Abad wins Feronia Prize in Italy

One of the Philippines foremost contemporary poets and critics is set to be awarded Italy’s most coveted literary achievement in the Foreign Author category, the “Prize Premio Feronia - Città di Fiano 2009. for his work In Ordinary Time” Gémino H. Abad will be conferred the distinction during the Nomination Ceremony on July 11, 2009 at the Castle of Fiano Romano, an historic place just outside Rome.

Below is the letter sent to Mr. Abad by the Committe President of the Prize Premio Feronia - Città di Fiano 2009, Filippo Bettini.

Dear Professor Gémino H. Abad,

“We are particularly proud to inform you that our Committee has awarded you the Prize Premio Feronia - Città di Fiano 2009, for the section ‘Foreign Author.’ “The Prize, first created 16 years ago, has an antagonistic character as compared to other major literary awards in our Country, that are tightly bound to marketing strategies of dominant publishing houses. As an example, all official meetings of our Committee are open-door to guarantee the maximum of integrity.

“The winners of previous editions of Feronia Prize - section ‘Foreign Author’ - are: Günter Grass, Adonis and Natan Zach (ex-aequo), Leroi Jones, John M. Coetzee, Alfonso Sastre, Predrag Matvejevic, Michel Butor, Ismail Kadaré, Gao Xingjian, Roberto Fernández Retamar, Mahmud Darwish, Yvonne Vera, Dubravka Ugresic, Saadi Yousef, Kunwar Narain, Muhammad Bennis, Agotha Kristof. “The Prize will be conferred to you during the Nomination Ceremony which will be held on July 11, 2009 at the Castle of Fiano Romano, an historic place just outside Rome. The amount of the Prize is 3,600 euros and it is subject to the restriction that you must be present in person at the Nomination Ceremony to receive it. I know, however, that during the same days you will be also invited to attend the Italian Festival ‘Mediterranea’ in Rome.

“This letter represents the official invitation for you in order to attend the Ceremony and the other ancillary meetings we are organizing to promote you and your activity in our Country. Obviously the Prize will take care of your travel expenses and of your stay in Italy… “We strongly trust that your visit to Italy and your participation to the Nomination Ceremony will be a major event for our organization and for our Country. We really hope to have you in Italy on July.
“With best regards,

Filippo Bettini, President of the Committee.”

Gémino H. Abad hails from Cebu. He earned his B.A. English from the University of the Philippines in 1964 and Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Chicago in 1970. He served the University of the Philippines in various capacities: as Secretary of the University, Secretary of the Board of Regents, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Director of the U.P. Institute of Creative Writing. For many years, he also taught English, comparative literature and creative writing at U.P. Diliman.

Abad co-founded the Philippine Literary Arts Council (PLAC) which published Caracoa, a poetry journal in English. His other works include Fugitive Emphasis (poems, 1973); In Another Light (poems and critical essays, 1976); A Formal Approach to Lyric Poetry (critical theory, 1978); The Space Between (poems and critical essays, 1985); Poems and Parables (1988); Index to Filipino Poetry in English, 1905-1950 (with Edna Zapanta Manlapaz, 1988) and State of Play (letter-essays and parables, 1990). He edited landmark anthologies of Filipino poetry in English, among them Man of Earth (1989), A Native Clearing (1993) and A Habit of Shores: Filipino Poetry and Verse from English, ’60s to the ’90s (1999). The University of the Philippines has elevated Abad to the rank of University Professor, the highest academic rank awarded by the university to an exemplary faculty member.

He currently sits on the Board of Advisers of the U.P. Institute of Creative Writing and teaches creative writing as Emeritus University Professor at the College of Arts and Letters, U.P. Diliman.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Haloy ko nang pigtulaan an uran. Siguro ngani an enot na ekperinsya kan sakuyang hawak iyo an pagkarigos sa uran. Pigpukawan ako kaidtong tubig, an buros kaini, an hapihap sa kublit, an tanog sa atop. Buhay-buhay an kinaban kun minauran. Giromdom ko si hiling kan sarong babayi katong nag-agi mantang nagkarigos ako sa uran. Huba. Kaidto ko enot na namati kun paano an abutan nin supog mantang namamati si oagmahan na dara kan paglinig kan tubig sa hawak. May mga panahon na pigtugutan akong magkarigos, may mga panahon na pigbawalan ako, siring na pigbawalan man ako na magparabarag-barag sa irarom kan saldang ta nakakapadakul daang kuto. Kadakul na bawal sa pagkainaki ko, mantang an kinaban man sarong kakawat na nag-aalok nin paglapiga sa kalantandan, pagralamagan sa bulod, paggiro asin pagnamit kan mga layas na prutas. An kinaban ko kaidto, kinaban nin pagtugot, nagpapasabot na maboot.

Sa pagpadangat ko kan uran, orog na balaog an pag-abot, kan mga bagyo, ini si enot kong pag-isip kaidto. Masiram magturog, (magparapalatog mantang kugos an malumhok na kayong inulna), kadakul man na kakanon an nagluluwas sa harong ni kapitan, rasyon na de-lata asin an panirang muya kong kakano— batag na nilalaagan sardinas asin guta. Dai pang klase nin huli ta nagin danaw na oma, lubog an eskwelahan asin nakakapaha an baha. Nag-aalok parati nin paglubto. Instant swimming pool asin pwede pang mag-upog nin mga sira. May orkestra nin palaka pagbabangi mantang may mga osipon na pigpapaturog kami sa paurutrong pag-usip. Pula an telebisyon mantang an radyo, nagkikiri-kisi sana. Alagad yaon man an tigbaw sa pagkakarigos sa baha, gatol sa kublit na karibay. Ini an uran, an bagyo bago ako nagdakula o bago nagdakula an kinaban para sakuya. Bago an uran digdi sa dakulang syudad.

Kan an uran nagin nang katakod kan mga eksena sa pelikulang may piglulubong, o kaya may naghahadokan na duwang tawo, nagin naman bihira si pagkarigos ko sa uran. Nagkahelang na ako, napakol asin natakot sa bagyo. Dai na sana ako nagtuturog kundi natabang na sa paggakod kan mga bintana, pag-alsa kan mga sako nin bagas, (kun may naani bago naluntot) asin napila sa rasyon kan nagbabahang bulgur asin sardinas sa panahon nin bagyo. May mga gadan nang tawong kaibahan an baha asin natutupag na an bulod na pigkakawatan mi. Inanod pati su gurang na puon kan balaigang na minabunga kun Abril. An mahamis na Abril!

Dakul pang uran an nag-abot, nagbanlaw, naglamos sa kinaban. Burubalyo na an pangaran kan bagyo. Nagin na ining lalaki, babayote, asin kapangaran minsan kan enot kong pagkamoot. Dakul na an dinadara kan uran, mga baretang makangirhat asin naghihiwas an mga pangpang kan dagat. Nagigin tubig na an kinaban. Nilalamos an mga pangiturogan kan tawo. Dawa ngani dakul na an abiso asin patanid sa pag-abot kan bagyo o kan uran, may mga imahe pa man giraray na ibinabalik ini sa panahon kan sakuyang pagkainaki. Pirming mapungaw an uran. Sa bagong isyu kan ezine na pigpapakarhay kan Bikonon na si Marne Kilates, mahihiling an pirang rawitdawit tungkol sa uran, sa paggiromdom kan mga panahon na ini. Bisitahon an nasabing ezine.
(Magduman sa links ko asin maglaog sa RAWITDAWIT y RETRATO)

Asin ngonyan na yaon na ako sa dakulang syudad, may nag-aapod sakuya nin pagkarigos. Alagad iba an uran digdi, marigsok sa kublit na dara kan polusyon. Iba man an alisngaw na dara kan konkretong kinaban. Dai akong payong na dara, dai man dahon nin batag na pwedeng ipandong, asin minsan ngani, surusuan an mga bilding digdi, dai ako basta makakasiob.

Monday, June 08, 2009

the jump

photo by karola klier.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

books from jimple borlagdan and john barrios

Jimple Borlagdan, one of the most prolific among the contemporary Bikol poets is set to launch his book QUE LUGAR ESTE SA SADIRING BANWA, this coming June 22, 2009. Part of this collection won in the 2006 Premio Tomas Arejola para sa Literaturang Bikolnon. Magduman sa syudad nin Tabaco, kita maghoron-horon.

Another fictionist-friend from Aklan sent me a copy of his book of stories. John requested me to write a blurb for this award-winning collection. Now available in Filipino, the stories of John promises a new blaze in the illumined terrain, that is Philippine Literature.